Monday, February 23, 2009


Cameron and I, our sealing wax, and the good-natured though somewhat befuddled folks at the Alameda Post Office, are hoping that by now our wedding invitation has reached you (many loving thanks to Jorge Ambrocio for his beautiful design, and to Robin Doolin for her labor-of-love photography). We can only dream that it has garnered a brief place of honor on your refrigerator.

We've received a couple of questions about how to RSVP, and this is what we're hoping you'll take the time to do:

1. click the "COMMENTS" link at the bottom of this post
2. in the new window, type in your name and either how many guests will be attending or your regrets
3. feel free to say "hey" while you're at it
4. sign-in and click "Publish Your Comment" (if none of the sign-in options make sense to you, just click "Anonymous"...we'll still get any information you entered)


1. call Cameron, Courtney, or whichever of our immediate family members you most enjoy a chat with, and let us know what your plans are (regrets are also very much appreciated).

It's a stunning task trying to produce a list that represents all the love and admiration two people have encountered in a lifetime, and the scope of it left us knowing how lucky we are to have been always surrounded by truly generous and wonderful people. We hope to see you all on March 21st, or at least to hear from you very soon.

Monday, February 2, 2009


The funny thing about a wedding blog is the great divide that necessarily exists between the writer and the reader. The writer (bride & groom) happen to be living, sleeping, breathing, and occassionally expelling, the planning of this One Day...

Wedding! (oh, how it looms)
It must be perfect! It must be special! It must be convenient! And the guests, they must be informed!

While the readers (you, dear friend) have received a short phone call, a thin piece of mail, or perhaps just had a chat that reminded you of details about which you have been curious. And so we hope you saunter over to the wedding blog, once or twice, to find those answers you have so casually sought in an off moment at the computer.

I suspect it's a matter of perspective. For you, dear reader, we will try not to take it all so seriously.

Thanks for stopping by. Let us know if we can help you with anything...

Courtney & Cameron